Why hello there, I hope that you're having a wonderful day, such as I am having the pleasure of experiencing. My tummy is full and happy with cake and cupcakes. Hooray for birthday weeks! Anywho, I'm really starting to put the petal to the metal with these tasks, and with the harassment of a certain co-worker I am staying diligent! Today, I learned how to play the most cliche beginners ukulele song that people learn to play...which was 'I'm yours,' by Jason Mraz. I know you buggers suspected it, but alas it had to be done. It was quite easy and to be honest I may have to continue this learning process because it's such a fun little toy. And deep down I know that my co-workers would have much rather heard my serenading than having me doing actual work.. that's how I see it in my mind anyway.
-Queen of Conquests
-Learn how to play one song on the ukulele
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